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这幅道斯图书馆的景色是由H. Wright Smith 和 shows the library when it opened on 9 April 1857, at the 马萨诸塞州历史学会's headquarters at 30 Tremont Street in 波士顿. Although dismantled in 1899 for the move to our current 1154 Boylston Street building, 这个图书馆现在看起来和那时差不多.


托马斯探寻水源, who would become one of the greatest benefactors of the Historical Society, 1772年12月28日出生在查尔斯敦, 以利亚谢的儿子道斯, 制革和皮革梳妆台. 六岁时从苹果树上摔下受伤, 后来又患了风湿热, Dowse was a sickly 和 lame child who turned to books for "occupation 和 amusement," reading voraciously 和 beginning what would become a lifelong collecting habit. 主要是自学成才的, Dowse followed in his father's footsteps 和 became 制革和皮革梳妆台, 在剑桥港建立了自己的公司. By 1814, he had built a three story wooden house near Central Square 那 still st和s today, 最重要的是他在二楼的书房. Dowse never married 和 worked at his trade daily until 1846, spending every cent 和 spare moment on his ever-growing library.

托马斯探寻水源 actually read the volumes he acquired 和 focused his collecting on English literature 和 外国文学翻译, 积累了一个价值超过40美元的图书馆,000, 远远超过今天的一百万美元. 路德萨利, 谁在1855年调查了美国的私人图书馆, 谈到道斯的收藏时说:“这位作家 ... has glanced at the library 那 seems to be the richest 和 fullest in English literature of any owned by a private individual in New Engl和.——爱德华·埃弗雷特, who visited Dowse 和 his library while serving as president of Harvard University, described it as "the most excellent library of English books, 因为它的大小, 我所熟悉的."


Despite the fact 那 Dowse 和 his library were well known among 波士顿's intellectual elite (many of whom were members of the MHS), Dowse was never considered for membership--his humble roots 和 lack of formal education, 和 the fact 那 membership in the Society was limited to 60 resident members, 几乎可以肯定. 19世纪50年代, 然而, Dowse began to search for a home for the books 那 were "the dearest earthly objects of his affections ... his guides in youth, his support in manhood, his solace in old age." Although courted by Harvard, Dowse was ultimately unable to reach an agreement with them. 乔治·利弗莫尔-道斯的心腹, 的爱书的人, 和 MHS member-served as an intermediary between Dowse 和 the Society, tendering Dowse's offer of his library on two conditions: 那 the books remain together in one room "for ever" 和 那 they be used only in 那 room. Without consulting other members of the Society, President Robert C. 1856年7月,温斯洛普急切地接受了道斯的礼物.

It may seem mysterious 那 a man who had never visited the hallowed halls of the Society or been invited to join would make such a valuable gift to the MHS. 用道斯自己的话来说, "he had long been familiar with the character of the Society, 和 was personally acquainted with many of the members, 他确信, 那, 由他们保管, his books which had been for many years his choice 和 cherished friends, 会被妥善保存和使用吗..."

President Winthrop, 然而, was convinced 那 strawberries played the key role in Dowse's decision. A few times each year, the Society held meetings in the homes of its members. 乔治·利弗莫尔主持了春季会议, 被称为“草莓节”," in 1856 和 invited Dowse to rub elbows with such illustrious MHS members as Josiah Quincy, 乔治Ticknor, 弗朗西斯·帕克曼, 奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯, 亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗和爱德华·埃弗雷特. Although Dowse declined the invitation due to his failing health, Winthrop was convinced 那 Livermore's invitation to partake in strawberries with the members of the Society was the deciding factor for Dowse.

Although Dowse did not live to see his library installed at the Society (he died on 4 November 1856), he did personally present President Winthrop with one of the treasures of the collection, 1625年版的《普切斯的朝圣记, 五本书, as "an earnest 和 evidence of my having given the whole of my library to said 马萨诸塞州历史学会."

按照道斯的意愿, 在协会12月的会议上, members voted to remodel a second story room of the Society's building at 30 Tremont Street in 波士顿 for his books. 道斯图书馆 was formally dedicated at the MHS annual meeting on 9 April 1857 和 it became the central gathering place for the members of the Society, 布置华丽的房间形成鲜明的对比, 用查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯(1835-1915)的话来说, 致“肮脏”, 普通的, ill-kept 和 poor provisioned room in which it used to hold very small 和 very dull monthly meetings." In 1899, the Dowse Library was dismantled 和 moved to the Society's current headquarters at 1154 Boylston Street, where it continues to serve as a meeting room-although it now is far too small to hold the entire membership of the Society.


Beginning on 9 April 2007 和 continuing through the summer, the MHS will mark the 150th anniversary of the dedication of the Dowse Library with an exhibition of books drawn from 托马斯探寻水源's Library in the room named for him. 在4665册中有第一版的 仙后《失乐园》, 约翰·史密斯的 弗吉尼亚通史 (1632),威廉·伍德的 新英格兰的前景 (1639)和1787年托马斯·杰斐逊的伦敦版 og体育平台弗吉尼亚州的说明. 除了罕见的书目, 图书馆藏有英国文献, 外国文学翻译, 旅行账户, 历史, 和传记. 这和道斯的职业很相称,他是个皮革设计师, 许多书都是精装的, often the work of early 19th-century 波士顿 bookbinders. In addition to the catalog of the Dowse Library published at the time of the gift, 现在所有的卷都可以通过ABIGAIL访问, MHS在线目录.


Catalogue of the Private Library of 托马斯探寻水源, of Cambridge, Mass., Presented to the 马萨诸塞州历史学会, July 30, 1856. 波士顿:约翰·威尔逊 & 儿子,1856.

埃弗雷特,爱德华. "托马斯·道斯悼词 《og体育平台》, 1855-1858, p. 361-398.

萨利·路德. 私人图书馆一览. 波士顿:克罗克 & 布儒斯特1855.

路易斯·伦纳德·塔克. 的 马萨诸塞州历史学会: A Bicentennial History, 1791-1991. 波士顿:质量. 历史学会,1995年.

怀特希尔,沃尔特·缪尔. 《og体育官网》,载于 《og体育平台》, 71(1953年10月- 1957年5月),页. 167-178.