Object of the Month

View of Snow George. Bound to the East Indies – 1796

View of Snow George (drawing), logbook of snow George kept by John Boit, [unnumbered page, opposite page 1] Ink with hand coloring

View of Snow George (drawing), logbook of snow George kept by John Boit, [unnumbered page, opposite page 1]

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21-year-old ship captain John Boit drew this depiction of the snow George in the logbook of the vessel, which he commanded during a voyage from Boston to Mauritius in 1796 and 1797.

Rigging a Snow

“雪”(源自日耳曼语和斯堪的纳维亚语中的“snau”)一词的起源并不确定,它用来描述一艘方形双桅帆船的外观, but by the 17th century it was in common use. Although mariners often used the terms “snow,” “brigantine,” and “brig” interchangeably to describe similar types of sailing vessels, a snow came to be associated with a specific detail of its rigging.

As John Boit makes clear in his drawing of the George, a snow had a small, 辅助桅杆紧靠在主桅的后面(后面),在主桅上连接着前后斜帆或“侧帆”. 小桅杆解决了在主桅上同时携带方帆和前后帆的问题. True brigs, with both square and fore-and-aft sails set on the mainmast, overcame this difficulty and began to appear in the 1770s.

The “bright dawn of youthful adventure”

John Boit was born on 15 October 1774, a son of John and Sarah Brown Boit of Boston. John Boit Sr. 他是革命前波士顿著名的商人,他的生意和家庭关系使小约翰成为可能. to go to sea in 1790, shortly before his 16th birthday. He sailed as the fifth mate (officer) of the Columbia 这是这艘船第二次经西北海岸前往中国,并进行第二次环球航行.

Young Boit kept a logbook during the Columbia1792年5月12日,他进入哥伦比亚河,留下了唯一的目击记录,这一事件后来在美国和英国之间的西北边界争端中产生了重要的外交影响.

John Boit was not yet 19 when Columbia returned to Boston, but soon sailed again as first mate of the Eliza on a voyage to Virginia and Ireland. 1794年夏天,还不到20岁的博伊特被任命为这艘小型(65英尺,98吨)单桅帆船的指挥官 Union 开始了从纽波特到中国为期两年的航行(“再见了纽波特的漂亮姑娘们,” he wrote in his Union logbook), 航海历史学家塞缪尔·艾略特·莫里森(Samuel Eliot morrison)将这次航行描述为“在青春冒险的黎明中最引人注目的青春壮举”, that has come to my notice.”

The Long, Leaky Voyage of the George

No sooner had John Boit’s ship reached Boston in July 1796 than the owners of the Union appointed him captain of the George, 这是一艘被法国海盗劫持的英国货轮,连同一桶一桶的豌豆在波士顿被卖掉, potatoes, and beef. The new owners of the George (one was Boit’s brother-in-law, Crowell Hatch, a part owner and investor in the Columbia and Union 在九月份驶向印度洋的法兰西岛(毛里求斯)之前,他没有时间让雪上的货物着陆,也没有时间修理漏水的船体.

Despite his lively frontispiece portrait of the George, 博伊特的航海日志显示,在绕非洲航行期间,雪“太沉闷了,让人不舒服”,而且雪漏得太严重,以至于在法国岛的法国驻军的帮助下,船到达港口后才进入港口,然后雪“在港口漏得和在海上一样严重”,并有可能在抛锚时沉没.

The Pleasures of the Harbor

John Boit proved to be as able a business agent as he was a captain. He sold the George’s cargo, despite damage from leaks and attempts to repair his vessel at sea, 为了获得巨大的利润,甚至还以“好价钱”将雪重新粉刷,然后卖给当地与马达加斯加的贸易. Boit ended his logbook remarks about the “Old Snow George” with the wish, “God send I may never sail in the like of her again.”

博伊特在法兰西岛上岸,“守着巴彻尔的酒馆——过着这个岛上年轻人普遍追求的那种快活的生活。,” by passing “a few months away in quite an agreeable though dissipated manner.他注意到,就像他在海上一样,他的“忠实的仆人周(一个中国人)”陪伴着他。.”

Chow Manderien, a Native of China

“Chou” (sometimes spelled “Chow”) had joined the crew of the Union in China during John Boit’s earlier voyage. A young teenager, 他作为博伊特的仆人去了波士顿,然后几乎立刻又和博伊特一起乘火车出海了 George. After their sojourn in Isle de France, Boit and Chou returned to America in 1797 as passengers in the ship Canton. Less than a year later, in September 1798, 19-year-old Chou was killed in a fall from the masthead of John Boit’s new command, the ship Mac, then in Boston fitting out for a voyage. Chou’s self-described “affectionate Master,” John Boit, 将他安葬在波士顿中央墓地,并为他立了一块巨大的墓碑(碑文将他的名字拼成了“周”)。. 周或周(博伊特的家人称他为“李贝”)是第一批住在波士顿的华裔之一——虽然时间很短——并被埋葬在这里.

A Secret Voyage Becomes Public

并不是约翰·博伊特所有的航海日志都保存了下来:1798年,博伊特的“忠实仆人”周从英国皇家海军的桅顶上摔了下来 Mac, Boit was preparing the ship for a secret, 非法奴隶航行到非洲,然后再到古巴——这是臭名昭著的三角贸易的传统路线. There is an official record of the Mac1799年5月,在经历了一段痛苦的航行后,美国海军抵达古巴,244名被奴役的俘虏中只有206人在横渡大西洋时幸存下来,幸存者中几乎有三分之一是儿童. Boit’s voyage became public when the ship returned to the United States. Under the Slave Trade Act of 1794, American citizens were forbidden to outfit ships for importing slaves. Boit was severely criticized in the public press and the Mac 在1799年10月,在当时的缅因区巴斯被查获并拍卖.

Home from the Sea

约翰·博伊特的船长生涯很长,一直延续到19世纪, alternating periods ashore as a Boston merchant with wide-ranging commercial voyages. In 1799, he married Eleanor Jones of Newport, 也许是他乘大帆船出海时留下的“新港漂亮姑娘”中的一个 Union. 他们生了7个孩子,约翰在岸上的时间分别花在波士顿和牙买加平原之间. John Boit died in Boston in 1829, at last home from the sea.

For further reading

Baker, William A. “Vessel Types of Colonial Massachusetts.” In 马萨诸塞殖民地航海:马萨诸塞殖民地协会举办的会议, November 21 and 22, 1975. Boston: The Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 1980, p. 3-29.

威廉·贝克定义了早期的帆船类型,并用手稿中对当代船只的描绘来说明他的文章, publications, engravings, and paintings.

Boit, John, 1774-1829. John Boit Journals, 1790-1830

MHS的博伊特手稿收藏包括约翰·博伊特作为船长保存的航海日志, officer, or passenger, including extracts of logs and notes on voyages. Boit illustrated his logbooks with drawings of ships that he served on or commanded. 他还用航海日志上的空白页写诗,记录已发表的诗歌, as well as to record romantic and inspirational quotations from his reading.

Boit, John. 联盟日志:约翰·博伊特的非凡航行到西北海岸和环游世界, 1794-1769. Ed. by Edmund Hayes. Oregon Historical Society, 1981.

通过注释,地图,视图,特别是由休伊特R联盟的示意图. Jackson, Edmund Hayes “opened up” Boit’s logbook for modern readers.

Boit, Robert A. The Boit Family and Their Descendants and Other Allied Families. Boston: Privately printed, 1915.

A lively account of John Boit’s ancestors and descendants, by a great-grandson, drawing heavily upon John Boit’s logbooks and other writings, which were donated to the MHS by Robert A. Boit.

Malloy, Mary. 毛皮贸易纪念品:美国水手收集的西北海岸印第安艺术品和手工艺品, 1788-1844. Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 2000.

约翰·博伊特在1月30日之前将他早期航行到太平洋期间收集的艺术品和文物捐赠给了马萨诸塞州历史协会, 1798, when the Society compiled a list of recent gifts. 一些物品后来被历史学会没收,并捐赠给哈佛大学皮博迪博物馆. Mary Malloy has made a heroic effort to match early records of gifts to the MHS, including those of John Boit, with specific items now held by the Peabody Museum.

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade – Database

The record of the arrival of the ship Mac at Havana, 31 May 1799, is Voyage ID 13807 in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database. “John Best” is listed as the ship’s captain, 但这一记录与当时美国媒体对扣押和出售Mac电脑以及谴责约翰·博伊特在这次航行中所扮演角色的报道非常吻合.