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第三卷: 小册子: 659页[about this page]

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A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston

This 128-page pamphlet is annotated on all but eleven pages by Harbottle Dorr. The pamphlet recounts the events leading up to the Boston Massacre, the events of the day and the immediate aftermath. Included is an appendix which contains depositions of the legal proceedings.

Pages Annotated:
  • 661页
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og体育平台 659页:

This 128-page pamphlet is annotated on all but eleven pages by Harbottle Dorr. The pamphlet recounts the events leading up to the Boston Massacre, the events of the day and the immediate aftermath. Included is an appendix which contains depositions of the legal proceedings.

  • Bowdoin, James
  • Pemberton, Samuel
  • Warren, Joseph
  • Gray, Samuel
  • Maverick, Samuel
  • Caldwell, James
  • Attucks, Crispus
  • Carr, Patrick
  • Boston Massacre
  • American Revolution
  • 5 March 1770

Dorr's index terms for this page:

  • 搜索ing for index references to this page...

Sequence Number 700 of 1057; 卷3 of 4.

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