


!警告! Please note that some of the cartoons featured in this exhibition may contain language, 的想法, 以及被认为带有种族主义色彩的图片, 偏见, 刻板印象, 暴力, 和/或进攻. Some records contain terms and annotations that reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was written, 在今天可能被认为是不合适的. The 的想法 conveyed by the cartoons in this exhibition should not be considered to be representative of the views of the MHS.


! 警告:敏感内容

在1867年3月30日的 哈珀的每周, Thomas Nast depicted the 30 July 1866 mass killing of Black citizens in New Orleans—the New Orleans Riot or, 更准确地, 新奥尔良大屠杀——通过展示安德鲁·约翰逊总统, 打扮成罗马皇帝, 无动于衷地看着基督教殉道者在竞技场上被屠杀. 画批评总统的漫画对纳斯特来说并不新鲜. 他把约翰逊描绘成“安迪国王”和领导奥赛罗的伊阿古, 以黑人内战老兵的形象出现, 他完蛋了. He probably drew this large and very detailed image of the New Orleans Massacre in advance and held onto it until an official report on the massacre was released in 1867.

细节来自托马斯·纳斯特的《og体育官网》. 探索下面的完整漫画.

内战结束后, the revived Louisiana state legislature passed a series of Black Codes—racist laws intended to restrict and control Black citizens. 在回应, Republican members of the legislature held a constitutional convention in New Orleans with the goal of extending suffrage to Black men. 来表示他们对这项措施的支持, 一群黑人居民, 其中许多人是联邦退伍军人, 组织了一场游行,游行结束在大会会场. 白人暴民, 由前邦联士兵招募的警察部队教唆, 袭击了会议地点, 造成至少47人死亡——几乎都是黑人——数百人受伤. 攻击者, 一名白人警察死于中暑,一名白人平民在交火中丧生. 菲利普·谢里登将军, 他是路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州联邦军队的指挥官, 对他所看到的感到反感,并将其描述为“绝对的大屠杀”.” The killings in New Orleans and in a similar bloody race riot in Memphis prompted the return of military rule to the Southern states and led to the Reconstruction Acts of 1867.

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虽然托马斯·纳斯特并没有给漫画中的公众人物贴标签, Nast drew accurate faces on even some of the very small characters found in the galleries. Many of these likenesses will be unfamiliar to viewers today but in 1867 they would have been recognizable to the readers of 哈珀, or identifiable by the visual clues in the drawing: members of Johnson’s cabinet are attired in the togas and robes of Roman senators, 而军官们则穿着装饰性的盔甲作为军衔的标志.   

下面, 通过放大探索整个“圆形剧场约翰逊”政治漫画, 拖, 并研究了七个具体领域.  单击蓝色按钮显示或隐藏注释.  Scroll down to read further information about each of the annotated details in the cartoon. 


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A 托马斯·纳斯特画了普莱斯. Andrew Johnson as an impassive Roman emperor surrounded by members of his cabinet, including Sec. 威廉·苏厄德州. 战争的埃德温·斯坦顿,和Sec. 海军的吉迪恩·威尔斯.{{x: 794, y: 460, w: 750, arrowRight}}

B 他的手握着剑,将军. 菲利普·谢里登受到将军的限制. 尤利西斯S. Grant, who is wearing a laurel wreath— a symbol befitting a victorious general in ancient Rome.{{x: 214, y: 1030, w: 650, arrowRight}}

C 马背上,市长约翰. 门罗领导“门罗警察”袭击了新奥尔良的黑人市民, 谁被描绘成基督教殉道者在竞技场被屠杀.{{x: 1904, y: 1154, w: 450, arrowLeft}}

D 的小, but recognizable figures in the gallery (beneath the banner) are supporters of Reconstruction who were helpless to prevent the president’s pro-Southern policies.{{x: 1854, y: 674, w: 650, arrowLeft}}

E The diminutive former Union general Darius 屈膝;蜷伏 appears to sit on the lap of the very large governor of South Carolina, 詹姆斯·洛根. 他们拿着一个头盔,上面印着“铜头”的标签." {{x: 950, y: 925, w: 475, arrowRight}}

F The wreaths on either side of the president act as reminders of the equally murderous race riot in Memphis.{{x: 1350, y: 250, w: 275, arrowRight}}

G 创. George Armstrong Custer appears in Roman armor, 站在总统宝座前. Custer had a distinguished Civil War military record but tied himself to the president’s pro-Southern policies by traveling with him on his congressional campaign tour in 1866. {{x: 1302, y: 1408, w: 650, arrowRight}}


打扮成罗马皇帝,坐在王座上, President Andrew Johnson holds the Constitution and impassively gazes upon the death and destruction before him. 他的身边围着他的内阁成员:国务卿威廉. Seward is leaning on the back of “Emperor Andy’s” chair; bespectacled Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton looks away; and Secretary 海军的吉迪恩·威尔斯 looks over the balustrade into the arena.


他的手握着剑,将军eral 菲利普·谢里登受到将军的限制eral 尤利西斯S. Grant, who is wearing a laurel wreath—a symbol befitting a victorious general in ancient Rome. 谢里丹, 路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州的军事指挥官, 在1866年7月30日离开新奥尔良. 暴力的爆发使他大为震惊, 在给格兰特的一封信中,他将其描述为“一场绝对的大屠杀”.”


在竞技场里,市长约翰·T. Monroe is depicted on horseback and has the initials “CSA” (Confederate States of America) on his breastplate. 他的罗马士兵被称为“门罗警察”.” The mayor had recruited former Confederate soldiers and white supremacists to serve in the reconstituted civilian police force. Nast drew unarmed Black civilians—both men and women—as Christian martyrs pleading for their lives as they were hacked to pieces.


的小, but recognizable figures in the gallery (beneath the banner) are supporters of Reconstruction who were helpless to prevent the president’s pro-Southern policies. 其中包括出版商霍勒斯·格里利, 后来被纳斯特否定了, 波士顿废奴主义者温德尔·菲利普斯, 国会议员本杰明·F. 巴特勒. Although he later presented the case for the impeachment of President Johnson to the Senate, the notoriously corrupt 巴特勒 would become a favorite target of Nast’s scathing cartoons. 


The two crouching figures below President Johnson’s arm are former Union general Darius 屈膝;蜷伏 and the governor of South Carolina, 詹姆斯·洛根. 矮小的克劳奇似乎坐在高大的洛根腿上. 屈膝;蜷伏, 来自马萨诸塞州的民主党人, 和洛根, 前联邦参议员, caused a sensation in August 1866—just after the New Orleans Massacre—when they walked arm-in-arm into the pro-Johnson National Union Convention in Philadelphia.

在他尖刻的政治漫画中, Thomas Nast had previously satirized the mismatched couple and the “Southern loyalist” convention that they attended. Here they hold an alligator-crested helmet labeled “Copperhead”—a reference to the poisonous snake that had become the symbol for “Peace Democrats,"那些被指控秘密支持南部联盟的人.


The wreathed labels on either side of the president read “New Orleans” on the right and “Memphis” on the left. 托马斯·纳斯特用花圈提醒他的听众,在1866年5月, 新奥尔良大屠杀前两个月, 孟菲斯也发生了同样凶残的种族骚乱. The violence extended over two days and caused not only a heavy loss of life but also very extensive physical damage to the city. 教堂、学校和住宅被包括白人警察在内的白人暴徒烧毁. They attacked the Black inhabitants of Memphis and refugee camps for “freedmen”—Black people who had escaped from slavery.


托马斯·纳斯特画了身穿罗马盔甲的乔治·阿姆斯特朗·卡斯特将军, 站在总统宝座前. 卡斯特放眼望去,越过了竞技场可怕的场景. Custer had a distinguished Civil War military record but tied himself to the president’s pro-Southern policies by traveling with him on his “Swing Around the Circle” congressional campaign tour in 1866. 乘火车旅行, 约翰逊试图为他的政策争取政治支持,但没有成功. 当总统在公众活动中受到质疑时,卡斯特挺身而出为他辩护.